Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Heartbreakers
Yonkers Demo 1976 (2 CD)
(Cleopatra Records)

In that year, for those of us new to the razor and not yet battered by the restrictive realities that doom to obscurity pretty much every one of us (later on, one learns to take each minor thrill available, and conclude victory, of a sort) everything seemed within grasp.

Johnny and Jerry had left the New York Dolls. Walter was fresh from the Demons. And Richard had yet to front the Void Oids. Four outlanders, so beyond the world they were excruciatingly of it. (Billy Rath would later replace Richard.)

This demo is raw, crude, and illustrative of the wonder potential in guys with sordid appetites plugging in, daring to dream, and churning wickedly slapdash / meticulous rock and roll that brazenly proclaims its validity.

In enduring accomplishment lies immortality, for uneven souls who create within a derisive clime.

Recommended: "Love Comes In Spurts," "I Wanna Be Loved," "Blank Generation," "Chinese Rocks," "Can't Keep My Eyes On You," "Pirate Love," "Flight," "Hurt Me," "You Gotta Lose," "Goin' Steady" 

Video: "Chinese Rocks," "Pirate Love" (live 1975, unknown location, Thunders, Nolan, Lure, Hell.)

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