Truffle Valley Boys
Looking For An Old
Fashioned Church
Vinyl LP (Tenbrooks)
Bluegrass may be the most appropriate style in which to convey old-time religion communications. This splendid effort makes just that case. There'a a warm familiarity involved that assures one is among like-spirited souls, and that ensures whole-hearted message reception.
Songs are short, and that is to the good; the Truffle Valley Boys make their points, and an imprint, without distractive excess.
Recommended: "Airwaves Of Zion," "Satan Lost A Sinner," "Looking For An Old Fashioned Church," "Oh Death," "Everlasting Joy," "Memories Of The Old Country Church," "One More Valley," "Satan's Gotta Get long Without Me," "Cross Over Jordan," "Sinner's Prayer," "Walk Around Me, Jesus"
Video: Live