Robert Gordon
...and the Di Maggio Connection
(New Shot Records)
Those hip to the tip dig that a new RG disc is cause for much revelry. His was a broad and fathoms-deep baritone in whose scope chestnuts and crisply-penned entries alike maintained venerable Rock'n'Roll/Country flames. In his hands, though, vintage stylings were supercharged, becoming vibrant to a degree they hadn't known since their salad days.
Robert had a worthy compatriot in Marco; the six-string phenomenon knew intimately the Roots songbook. He retold its glories, intercutting them with novel gestures and broadsides that left audience jaws across the floor.
Recommended: "Lover Boy," "Look Who's Blue," "A Mess of Blues," "Suspicion," "Playin' For Keeps," "Hello Walls," "Sea of Heartbreak," "Dreamin'," "Drivin' Wheel"
Videos: "Drivin' Wheel" "Dreamin'" "Suspicion" (all are from another show with Di Maggio Connection)
Facebook (Marco Di Maggio)